Drug abuse is a worrying problem for parents and potentially fatal for people young or old who become involved in the drug menace. The main drugs being misused at present are amphetamines, cannabis, and heroin. Solvent abuse is a serious problem for some young people and their families. Amphetamines are stimulants which were popular as pep pills in the 1960’s but are more difficult to obtain since pharmacists have restricted their distribution. However, commercially produced amphetamines have been replaced in the drugs market by illicitly produced tablets or powder. They are taken by mouth, by sniffing or by injection causing quickened breathing and heart rate and lessened appetite. High doses can produce panic in the user. Psychological dependence can also result. Cannabis is derived from a plant and comes either in dried herb form or as sticky lumps or resin. Generally smoked or eaten. Cannabis has a relaxing effect and distorts perception. Psychological dependence result from regular use. Heroin, a depressant is generally mixed with other substances, some of them are dangerous. It can also be sniffed, injected. Both physical and psychological damage is the long term result. Solvents are present in some types of glue and many other house hold or office products sniffing are generally from a plastic bag held over the nose and the mouth resulting in changing of mood, and appearance of drunkenness. Signs that drugs are as solvents are being abused can include a young person borrowing or stealing money. Spending more time than usual away from home, becoming careless about physical appearance suddenly using large quantities of perfumes to disguise the smell of drugs. The beginning of drug abuse is usually curiosity or a desire to be “in” with a group. Since it is consequences can be serious, parents should discuss the situation calmly with children before the danger arises pointing out the risks and danger.

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