The word ‘expectations’ is not something that we just use in our daily talks. Expectations is normally referred to as an important thing for a person to be successful. Most of the people think expectations are something that can take a person to what he wants or to what extend he wants to go. People think expecting things can make their goals easier to achieve. Yes, of course what most of the people think can be right but not always! This word expectations plays a more important role in our daily life. Expectations can lift a person from zero to what he wants but expectations are also something that can really make a person fall from the highest height to the lowest level possible.
Expectations can lead a person to disappointment and chaos. Expectations can’t be just explained as a thing which can light up one’s life but it can make a way for disappointment and chaos to enter in a person’s life.
Sometimes our expectations are unable to be stopped like our imaginations. Even though imaginations are important but expectations are something that if not controlled, it can ruin a person’s whole life. It can affect a person’s thinking, way of living, way of controlling his emotions and feelings and can even affect the way he used to face his problems!
Some people take expectations as a challenge which may or may not prove to be the turning point of their life. Sometimes expecting more than what should actually be expected can struck one’s ability to do a certain task. Some parents expect much more than what they should, then the child is not even able to reach to what actually he could and it all ends up in disappointment and riots.
So, sometimes it’s better to try out things than to expect because expectations can smash one’s confidence.



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